Become a Member
Why should you become a member of the OWRA? There are many reasons to join us in our mission to support Ohio's wildlife and rehabilitators!

​Becoming a member of the OWRA is easy! For the low, annual cost of $25/year, you gain access to many benefits while helping to support OWRA's mission of education and conservation. Join your fellow Ohio rehabilitators in our cause to help wildlife!
Early registration for workshops, conferences, and other events
Discounted ticket prices for events
Access to exclusive member's pages
Access to the member's forum, a great place to connect with other rehabilitators.
Access to special events such as virtual presentations on new and emerging diseases
Receive the quarterly OWRA newsletter
Access to our Animal Placement list
Grant opportunities for workshops and conferences
Notifications and information on regulatory and health issues

Best Value
Single Membership
Every year
For individuals who want access to special membership perks
Valid until canceled
Early event registration
Discounted event tickets
Access to member's only pages
Access to the Animal Placement List
Access to the member's Connect Forum