Help us support Ohio's wildlife and rehabilitators through monetary donations, becoming a volunteer, or joining our board!
Where do your donations go? Donations to OWRA help us provide workshops and trainings required by the state for Category I & II permits. They also help us hold our annual wildlife rehabilitator's conference at a low cost to Ohio's rehabilitators. The OWRA is a 501(c)3 meaning all donations are tax deductible.
Become a volunteer.
Volunteering for OWRA is volunteering for Ohio's wildlife. The OWRA board and committee members are completely "staffed" by volunteers and the more hands we have the more we can help. Every individual has skills we can use regardless of your number of years as a rehabilitator. We even have non-rehabilitator wildlife heros on our board with other valuable skills such as fundraising, event planning or editing. There is room for any interested person for a one time need or an ongoing task. Reach out through the form and let us show you how you can help:
Volunteer for OWRA
Whether your interest lies in wildlife, event planning, or website building, we have a job for you! Contact us for more information on committees and events in need of volunteers.